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Dejan Vinković

Science and Society Synergy Institute
Bana Jospia Jelacica 22B
40000 Cakovec, Croatia
e-mail: dejan_at_iszd.hr
Expedition to Mongolia 1998
Completed Project
Latest update: April 22, 2004
Expedition Homepage: http://fizika.org/ilwcro

January 20, 2002: Press Release

Recording of mysterious meteor sounds
Joined by the International Leonid Watch - Croatia (ILWC) project, a group of scientists presented the first instrumental detection of elusive electrophonic meteor sounds. In November 1998, the researchers from the Croatian Physical Society and the University of Kentucky organized an expedition to Mongolia to observe the anticipated Leonid meteor shower and shed some light on the phenomenon. The complete data analysis revealed two electrophonic sounds that provided several important clues about the nature of this longstanding astronomical mystery. The paper about these results will appear in the Journal of Geophysical Research (read more...).

SEE ALSO: "Electrophonic Sounds and ELF/VLF Radio Emission from Meteors"

ILWCRO logo In November 98' Mongolia was destination of several international expeditions with aim to observe the Leonid meteor storm. Due to the extreme importance of this storm, with help of International Meteor Organization (IMO), a group of us organized the International Leonid Watch Croatia expedition to Mongolia, lasting from November 11.-27., 1998. For the first time, we successfully recorded mysterious electrophonic sounds from meteors.

The expedtions and its results were featured in the Croatian media (TV, radio, newspapers), Nature News, BBC World Service, Discovery Channel, Natural History magazine, New Scientist, Space.com, Dr Sky Radio Show, etc.
(see GEFS News Page for more detail and downloads)

Zgrablic, G., Vinkovic, D., Gradecak, S., Kovacic, D., Biliskov, N., Grbac, N., Andreic, Z, & Garaj, S. 2002, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 107, 11 (ADS, PDF)

Garaj, S., Vinkovic, D., Zgrablic, G., Kovacic, D., Gradecak, S., Biliskov, N., Grbac, N., & Andreic, Z. 1999, Fizika A, 8, 91 (ADS, PDF)

Setting up the ger         Preparations

Observing location         Observing location

Observing location         The team

Dejan preparing for observations         Neven outside during the night

Interior of the ger         Silvija in the ger

Dejan in the ger         Testing the equipment

Setting up the equipment outside         Setting up the equipment inside