Welcome to the Homepage of Dejan Vinković   

Dejan Vinković

Science and Society Synergy Institute
Bana Jospia Jelacica 22B
40000 Cakovec, Croatia
e-mail: dejan_at_iszd.hr
Selected Popular Science Articles and Interviews
Active Project
Latest update: December 01, 2006

October 06, 2004: Connect::Portal
Interview with Steven Squyres: "Adventures of Mars Rovers"
(AUDIO in English)

September 28, 2004: Connect::Portal
Interview with Leonard Susskind: "Understanding Melodies of Cosmic Strings"
(HTML in English - available in audio/video)

June 01, 2002: VJESNIK
Interview with Eric Feigelson: "Solving Old Mysteries with Chandra Space Observatory"
(PDF in Croatian)

May 04, 2002: VJESNIK
(with Helen Klarich as a co-author) Interview with Neal J. Evans II: "New telescopes are going to tremendously enhance our ability to study the Universe"
(PDF in Croatian)
(HTML in English - available in audio/video)

April 20, 2002: VJESNIK
Interview with Jeffrey Bennett: "If we do not destroy ourselves, we will soon start to develop a galactic civilization"
(a short version PDF in Croatian)
(a long/complete version HTML in English - available in audio/video)

January 26, 2002: VJESNIK
News article: "Our daily black holes: are they or not, that is the question?"
(PDF in Croatian)

January 19, 2002: VJESNIK
Interview with J.R.Gott III: "Gott: The Universe is its own mother"
(a short version PDF in Croatian)
(a long/complete version HTML in English)