Welcome to the Homepage of Dejan Vinković   

Dejan Vinković

Science and Society Synergy Institute
Bana Jospia Jelacica 22B
40000 Cakovec, Croatia
e-mail: dejan_at_iszd.hr
Dejan Vinković
2023 - ...
Co-founder of Oraclum Capital LLC
2016 - ...
Co-founder and Director of Oraclum Intelligence Systems Ltd
2011 - ...
Founder and Executive Director of Science and Society Synergy Institute
2016 - 2023
Chief Science Officer at Hipersfera Ltd
2007 - 2016
Associate Professor at the Physics Department, University of Split
March & April 2007
Research visitor at GREQAM, Marseille
Visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Member at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
PhD (Physics)
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky
1996-1997 Military Service (Croatia)
B.Sc. (physics)
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (Croatia)

2015-2019 "Big Data Era in Sky and Earth Observation (BIG-SKY-EARTH)''
COST Action TD1403
the lead proposer and the Chair of Action
2008-2009 "Constructing, testing, and utilizing a next-generation multi-TFLOP hybrid GPUCPU cluster''
(100,000EUR, co-PI: Mario Juric, IAS, Princeton) Croatian Science Foundation
2004-2005 NCSA Grant AST040006
"2D Radiative Transfer Modeling of Dusty Disks Around Stars''
(30,000 Service Units) National Computational Science Alliance
2002-2003 Co-PI on NCSA Grant AST020014
"2D Radiative Transfer in Astrophysical Dusty Environments''
(18,500 Service Units) National Computational Science Alliance

2000-2001 Dissertation Year Fellowship (and Dissertation Year Fellowship Grant)
The Graduate School, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
1994 awarded by the head of University with Rector's Prize for one of the best student projects in 1994
University of Zagreb (Croatia)


Vinkovic D., Cemeljic M.
''Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - III. The role of non-radial radiation pressure in dust dynamics''
2024, MNRAS, 532, 2388–2400 (online)

G. Kampas; A. Vasileiou; M. Antonakakis; M. Zervakis; E. G. Spanakis; V. Sakkalis; P. Leskovsky; S. S. Carballido; R. Gliga; D. Vinkovic; B. Pecnik
''Design of Sensors' Technical Specifications for Airborne Surveillance at Borders''
2022, Journal of Defence & Security Technologies, 5(4),58-83 (online)

Nina, A.; Radovic, J.; Nico,G.; Popovic, L.C.; Radovanovic, M.;Biagi, P.F.; Vinkovic, D.
''The Influence of Solar X-ray Flares on SAR Meteorology: The Determination of the Wet Component of the Tropospheric Phase Delay and Precipitable Water Vapor.''
2021, Remote Sensing,13, 260 (online)

Vinkovic D., Cemeljic M.
''Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - II. Dust dynamics driven by radiation pressure and disc winds''
2021, MNRAS, 500, 506-519 (arXiv.org, online)

Siljic, A., Lunic, F., Teklic, J., Vinkovic D.
''Proton-induced halo formation in charged meteors''
2018, MNRAS, 481, 2858–2870 (online)

Bektesevic D., Vinkovic D., Rasumssen A., Ivezic Z
''Linear feature detection algorithm for astronomical surveys - II. Defocusing effects on meteor tracks''
2017, MNRAS, 474, 4837-4854 (arXiv.org, online)

Bektesevic D., Vinkovic D.
''Linear feature detection algorithm for astronomical surveys - I. Algorithm description''
2017, MNRAS, 471, 2626-2641 (arXiv.org, online)

Vinkovic D., et al.
''Big data era in meteor science''
2016, Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Egmond, the Netherlands, 2-5 June 2016, pp. 319-329 (online)

Bektesevic D., Cikota A., Jevremovic D, Vinkovic D.
''Detection of Meteors in Sky Survey Image Databases''
2014, Proc. of the 2014 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’14), 287-290 (online, PDF)

Vinkovic D.
'' Constraints on the height of the inner disk rim in pre-main-sequence stars ''
2014, A&A, 566, A117 (online, arXiv.org)

Balick B., Huarte-Espinosa M, Frank A, Gomez T, Alcolea J., Corradi R.L.M, Vinkovic D.
'' Outflows from Evolved Stars: The Rapidly Changing Fingers of CRL618''
2013, ApJ, 772 (online, PDF)

Salamuniccar, G., Loncaric, S., Vinkovic, D., et al
''Test-field for evaluation of laboratory craters using a Crater Shape-based interpolation crater detection algorithm and comparison with Martian and Lunar impact craters''
2012, Planetary and Space Science, 71, 106 (online, PDF)

Vinkovic, D.
''Inner dusty regions of protoplanetary discs - I. High resolution temperature structure''
2012, MNRAS, 420, 1541 (online, PDF)

Balick B., Gomez T, Vinkovic D., Alcolea J., Corradi R.L.M, Frank A.
''The Illumination and Growth of CRL 2688: An Analysis of New & Archival HST Observations''
2012, ApJ, 745, 188 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D & Potocnik, D.
''Educational asymmetries in the making: Science Fair Competitions as Proxies of the Economic Development''
2010, Sociologija i prostor, 48(1), 51-75 (online, PDF)

Vinkovic, D.
''Radiation-pressure mixing of large dust grains in protoplanetary disks''
2009, Nature, 459, 227-229 (ONLINE), PDF from arXiv.org

Moya-Laraño, J., Vinkovic, D., Allard,C & Foellmer, M.
''Optimal climbing speed explains the evolution of extreme sexual size dimorphism in spiders''
2009, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 22(5), 954-963 (HTML, PDF)

Moya-Laraño, J., Vinkovic, D., De Mas, E., Corcobado, G & Moreno, E.
''Morphological Evolution of Spiders Predicted by Pendulum Mechanics''
2008, PLoS ONE, 3(3), e1841 (online, PDF)

Moya-Laraño, J., Vinkovic, D., Allard,C & Foellmer, M.
''Mass-mediated sex differences in climbing patterns support the gravity hypothesis of sexual size dimorphism''
2007, Web Ecology, 7, 106-112 (PDF)

Moya-Laraño, J., Vinkovic, D., Allard,C & Foellmer, M.
''Gravity still matters''
2007, Functional Ecology, 21, 1178-1181 (online, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., & Jurkic, T.
''Relation between the luminosity of young stellar objects and their circumstellar environment''
2007, ApJ, 658, 462 (PDF)

Vinkovic, D. & Kirman, A.
''A physical analogue of the Schelling model''
2006, PNAS, 103(51), 19261 (PNAS, PDF)

Vinkovic D.
''Thermalization of Sputtered Particles as the Source of Diffuse Radiation from High Altitude Meteors''
2007, Advances in Space Research, 39, 574 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D.
''Temperature Inversion on the Surface of Externally Heated Optically Thick Multigrain Dust Clouds''
2006, ApJ, 651, 906 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., Ivezic, Z., Jurkic, T., & Elitzur, M.
''Near-Infrared and the Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks''
2006, ApJ, 636, 348 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., Bloecker, T., Hofmann, K.-H., Elitzur, M., & Weigelt, G.
''Bipolar outflow on the asymptotic giant branch - the case of IRC+10011''
2004, MNRAS, 352, 852 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., Ivezic, Z., Miroshnichenko, A.S., & Elitzur, M.
''Discs and haloes in pre-main-sequence stars''
2003, MNRAS, 346, 1151 (ADS, PDF)

Zgrablic, G., Vinkovic, D., Gradecak, S., Kovacic, D., Biliskov, N., Grbac, N., Andreic, Z, & Garaj, S.
''Instrumental recording of electrophonic sounds from Leonid fireballs''
2002, Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 107, 11 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., Garaj, S., Lim, P.L., Kovacic, D., Zgrablic, G., & Andreic, Z.,
''Global Electrophonic Fireball Survey: a Review of Witness Reports - I''
2002, WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization, 30, 244 (ADS, PDF)

Vinkovic, D., Andreic, Z., Garaj, S., Kovacic, D., Mladinov, M., & Zgrablic, G.
''Global Electrophonic Fireball Survey''
2000, WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization, 28, 48 (ADS, PDF)

Garaj, S., Vinkovic, D., Zgrablic, G., Kovacic, D., Gradecak, S., Biliskov, N., Grbac, N., & Andreic, Z.
''Observational Detection of Meteor-Produced VLF Electromagnetic Radiation''
1999, Fizika A, 8, 91 (ADS, PDF)

Miroshnichenko, A., Ivezic, Z., Vinkovic, D., & Elitzur, M.
''Dust Emission from Herbig AE/BE Stars: Evidence for Disks and Envelopes''
1999, ApJL, 520, L115 (ADS, PDF)

Bottorff, M., Lamothe, J., Momjian, E., Verner, E., Vinkovic, D., & Ferland, G.
''Luminosity Indicators in Dusty Photoionized Environments''
1998, PASP, 110, 1040 (ADS, PDF)


Vinkovic, D. & Kirman, A.
''Schelling's model with income preferences and a housing market''
2009, mimeo GREQAM, Marseille (PDF)

Vinkovic, D.
2003, PhD dissertation (PDF, uknowledge.uky.edu/gradschool_diss/424/)